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ISO 9001/2015
Guaranteed quality is certified service.
Being considered the main value of KAE, the constant search for quality is a multifunctional process that involves several aspects of operations, but above all it is part of the organization's culture, involving all departments and employees.
KAE quality is based on satisfying the real needs of its customers, based on the integrity, competence and professionalism of its actions.
It is KAE's policy to partner with customers and suppliers for an ethical and transparent relationship, strengthening respect for its employees, making them an integral part of a unique force, to have as a fundamental value the human being. if:
In personal growth.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The competitiveness of our products and services.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Commitment to making improvements.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Respecting the environment
KAE has a strict quality control, which analyzes from the raw material to the final product. From the entry of the mold to the start of production, all stakes are constantly monitored by trained and qualified personnel. This is another KAE differential.
“KAE is committed to continuous improvement of the quality management system, with a focus on meeting requirements and customer satisfaction.”
ISO 9001/2015
Investments in the quality system, in personnel training and continuous improvement, resulted in KAE being one of the pioneers in ISO 9001/2000 certification on 12/11/2003.